Value Calculation and Market Report
This "limited scope" valuation report complies with the General and Ethical Standards, Scope of Services, Development, and Reporting Standards of the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) for a Calculated Value.
A Value Calculation & Market report is perfect for business owners who are considering selling their companies and want to find out what their business is worth under current market conditions. It is frequently used to gauge current market conditions, identify market trends and decide when the best time to sell is. The calculated value is based on data provided by the client. The appraiser performs widely used valuation methods to calculate the value of the business but does not include a detailed history of the company, economic and industry analysis, or a detailed financial analysis of the company. The results may be presented as a single number or a range of value. This type of report is not intended to be used for litigation purposes or submitted to government agencies like the SBA or IRS. The "Value Calculation and Market Report" carries a lower cost but has a lower level of assurance than the "Comprehensive Business Valuation Report." It is most appropriate for internal management decisions requiring broad range valuation advice and to estimate current market conditions. |
Key features of the Value Calculation and Market Report:
The Comprehensive Business Valuation Report is best used for these situations: